Is Money Evil?

by Gary Foreman

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One of the most misquoted verses in the Bible is “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim 6:10). Many say, “Money is the root of all evil.” Is money evil? Depending on your answer to this question, you could be subconsciously pushing money away. Are you?

Do you think that it’s virtuous to be poor?

Many people do. In many religious traditions, holiness is in part accomplished by turning your back on material things. The idea is that to appreciate the spiritual, you need to totally forsake the material. Or at least get as close as possible. Many have taken vows of poverty to pursue this goal.

But, I’d argue that it’s not quite that simple. Money is just a tool.

You wouldn’t say that a person was bad because they had too many tools. Money is just a way that we have of exchanging things. By itself, money has no value. It’s not necessarily good or bad. It’s what people do with money that is good or bad. So the problem is with the way money is used. Not the money itself.

One of the most misquoted verses in the Bible is “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim 6:10). It’s the love that causes the problem. When you place your affection on money, you become vulnerable to trouble. The mere fact that you have accumulated some wealth does not make you bad.

So what does this have to do with achieving Financial Independence? Good question! Actually, quite a bit.

First, to be financially independent means being in control of our money. Not to have our money control us. So we need to be careful not to fall in love with our money. If we do, we’ll begin to let money have too much influence over us. Just another way of saying money is in control.

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Secondly, a belief that money is bad could be sabotaging your desire to build wealth. If subconsciously, we believe that all money is evil, then we’ll push it away from us. We’ll find it hard to do the things necessary to build a savings account or IRA. I’ve even heard people say that they have a way of “repelling money” or that they’re “allergic to money.” We can’t see our subconscious, but it has a large impact on what we do and say. Sometimes, it even ruins our own plans. See 9 Reasons You Can’t Save (and How to Overcome Them).

So what do you think about money? Do you have a good relationship with money? Or is it time to reconsider what you believe?

Reviewed September 2023

About the Author

Gary Foreman is the former owner and editor of The Dollar Stretcher. He's the author of How to Conquer Debt No Matter How Much You Have and has been featured in MSN Money, Yahoo Finance, Fox Business, The Nightly Business Report, US News Money, and

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